Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Well, darn, if I do actually blog about things that make me laugh out loud then John Scalzi's blog will dominate this one

John Scalzi made me laugh out loud again with his silliness. To quote dear John:

"Also out today, The Children of Hurin, by some bloke with the odd name of JRR Tolkien. Apparently it's been about 30 years between this book and his last one. Dude, write any slower and people will think you're dead or something! I don't know much about this fellow, but my friends who are really into fantasy say he might be good. You know, if you like elves and such. Hey, whatever makes you happy." http://www.scalzi.com/mt2/mt-tb.cgi/4621

For me, though, nothing beats Scalzi's description of Chester Chipmate, which I've read aloud to every member of my family. My poor family.

And then, of course, the comments are frequently as funny as the original post.

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